/ Book


“Contact Sheets”  
Colored Pencil on cardstock. Various Sizes.  

Unfinished, Acrylic on unstracted canvas 5x6 feet.

“How I look Today” Colored Pencil and graphite on paper,
6 x 8 in.

    This gallery exhibit displays the final iteration of a year long thesis exploration.

The fall show consisted of documentation of a series of tattoos, designed as responses to participants' stories of their memories of not having control over their bodies. This was a collaborative and relational project focused on the stories of others.

The small colored pieces drawings that I did in isolation every day after evacuating campus  and the studio due to the COVID -19 Pandemic. They were made with the materials that I could carry in an  Uber XL.

The pieces that exist in this virtual space only exist there, as I have mailed the pieces to volunteers in my community, tasking them with destroying or transforming the work as it existed.

In this room, the work explores a semester
of transition, loss of control, and uncertainty.

Separate concentrations stemmed from looking inward, and facing loss of physical contact.  All of them explore how the body is perceived and felt, specifically my own body and attempts to control and master it. How my body, each day, feels and looks d different

Revealing the fluidity and ever transforming reality of our bodies as these constantly shifting vessels.

These works are heavily influenced by my own experience of body dysmorphia, Marfan Syndrome, and a slew of mental illnesses that stem from not feeling control or agency over my body, and the attempts to wrangle, control, and contain this vessel.

These explorations question my ability to let go, to control, and to perfect both myself, and others. How far can something change and push it’s own boundaries before it is no longer recognizable. 

The large acrylic paintings are the pieces that I was working on prior to the pandemic cancelling school, and enforcing an evacuation. These pieces are working on automatic painting looking inward on body control and illness, as I had been busy going to the hospital, and struggling with a disconnect between my mind and body. They are not finished, and still hanging in the senior art studios.